The benefits of breast milk for a child

Breast milk plays an undeniable role in the proper growth and development of a child. So what are its benefits? Here we will discuss the benefits of breast milk in the development of a child.

It meets the needs of the infant and its growth

Breast milk is milk produced by the mammary glands of women after childbirth and is used to feed the newborn. Its composition changes over time to adapt to the infant’s needs and it contains all the elements necessary for the child’s proper development. In the morning, it is rich in lactose and cortisol, the hormone that gives energy to the child, and at midday in fat and protein. At this level, breast milk contains a lot of nutrients that strengthen the baby’s intestinal barrier and finally in the evening, it is richer in proteins and melatonin. This is the sleep hormone. The composition of breast milk therefore changes throughout the day depending on the age and needs of the baby. It also contains vitamins, minerals, sugars, fats, trace elements and proteins to help the baby grow. It contains all the essential nutrients for growth.

Breast milk protects the baby

Among the benefits of the composition of breast milk, there is a major advantage: it contributes positively to the health of the baby. Throughout the pregnancy, the baby is in the mother’s womb, in a sterile environment. Thus, when he comes into the world, his immune system is not well developed and it is the mother’s milk that enables him to benefit from his own immune system. It is therefore a protection against microbes in that it contains the mother’s antibodies. This is precisely why breastfed children are more resistant to infections such as colds, bronchiolitis, ear infections, gastroenteritis, pneumonia and influenza. Breast milk also contributes to the healing of wounds and has anti-pain and anti-inflammatory properties. Finally, it should be noted that breast milk is essential for the development and growth of every child.

Picture of sherwoodvoice




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